Tuesday, October 21, 2008

ChuxxBlog: A Headline Ripped from the Archives of Bobby and the Chuxx

ChuxxBlog: A Headline Ripped from the Archives of Bobby and the Chuxx

Here's a post I made to the blog for Bobby and the Chuxx.

No shrimp were harmed in the posting of this blog post about a post on another blog.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Age of the Wry Face

In the course of human development, exactly when do you reach the age when you can make wry faces? Here's the face that Henry, who will be 4 in a few days, came up with on his own. He is clearly advanced and gifted.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Cleanse the Oprah Way

In my search for the worst banner ads in the world, I came across this one for Oprahs (sic) Acai Berry Diet. I like the copy at the bottom. Why bother having it make sense when you can just spew words out? And speaking of spewing, I don't want anything to do with a diet that is proud of its ability to "flush pounds." Ew. I've been on that diet and it is not fun. Picked it up from one of the kids who got it at school. The price was right, though.

My friend Jeff asked it there was some apparatus involved. We discussed the idea of "inflow" tube to deliver the acai berry concentrate and an "outflow" tube to be placed in the toilet. He wondered if they had a warning not to confuse the two tubes. I told him that acai berry is an irritant if applied topically. He asked me if that was true and I said, "I don't think so."

Sunday, October 05, 2008

A Threatening Note from Virginia

We constantly disagree with our kids over the amount of time we allow them to watch TV or play video games. Most recently, we came up with the rule that they could not watch TV after 7:00 PM. We felt they got churlish right before bed when we let them watch right up until bedtime. That did not sit too well with our 7 year old, Virginia. So she left us this note, signed by her, Graham, and Frank. Henry did not sign because he was already asleep. Russell did not sign because he cannot write.