Thursday, July 03, 2003

I don’t know about you, but I get all tingly and excited when I see those automobile sales event commercials on TV. You know the ones, with balloons and lots of ethnically-diverse couples wearing business casual clothes, marching around looking excitedly at sticker prices. It makes me want to buy a car immediately. The only thing missing is the host. Remember Squire Fridell who used to host the Toyota Sales Event ads wearing a bad tux in the 80’s? A commercial with a host. Now that's cool.

Apparently, Squire and his wife are now owners of a vineyard in Sonoma County, called Glen Lyon Winery, a winery that contributes to Ravenswood’s Sonoma County Cabernet Sauvignon.

He also wrote a very popular book, Acting in Television Commercials for Fun and Profit. The book has lots of tips and trick for aspiring actors, but many transcend the industry of TV commercial acting, such as "Your nails should be neatly trimmed and clean."

Squire worked for six years as Ronald McDonald. Ronald wears yellow gloves, so it's not as critical that the actors who portray him have clean nails after all.

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