Thursday, February 21, 2008

Like a Blow to the Solar Plexus

I can now add references to the solar plexus as a new cliche to look out for in my writing. Writers commonly refer to the solar plexus when describing a fight or some kind of physical struggle. I always thought is was synonymous with your breast bone or your chest. But it turns out it's a bundle of nerves behind your stomach. Here's a primer with more information, describing its popular use as meaning the "pit of the stomach." I don't like the usage of solar plexus because its unnecessarily long. I defer to George Orwell's excellent essay "Politics and the English Language" when he says, "Never us a long word where a short one will do."

So you can keep up with this topic, Bookgasm records references to the solar plexus in literature on their Solar Plexus Watch.


Anonymous said...

I like that episode of Star Trek: TNG where Whoopi Goldberg got stuck in the solar plexus of the universe.

You know what characters often do in novels between solar plexus blows, they take a long pull on their beverage. What the hell is that? Nobody "takes a long pull". Thats literary bull-larkey.


Steven said...

Usually is a beer in a bottle, right? I'd like to take a long pull on the solar plexus of anyone who tries to pull that one over on us.