Wednesday, September 07, 2005

We have a new kitten in the house. My daughter named him "Lenny." I have no idea why. Here are some pictures.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Looking for an easy and effective way to stay healthy? Don't get sick!

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

The coolest thing about Audioscrobbler is its sister site, After you listen to enough songs for Audioscrobbler to get a profile of you, you automatically get two streaming radio stations. One is based on the songs in your collection(called Personal Station), the other streamed from the collection of the people who share your taste (your Profile Station) who have their systems active.

You can find instructions on listening as well as my stations at

If you want to participate, I recommend starting at Audioscrobbler and then once your profile is up and running check out your stations. Let me know if you get it going and we can add each other as contacts.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

I have come across a couple of interesting sites lately. One combines photos and community, the other music and community. The first, Flickr has a ton of very cool pictures taken by amateur and semi-professional photographers. It's more about sharing your photos and letting people comment on them than it is about ordering prints, so the irritation factor is very low. Send me an email if you want to see my pictures.

Audioscrobbler (a site badly in need of a better name) is a great music site. It uploads a list of what you listen to and then refines a profile of you so that the database can offer you recommendations. You can browse what other people with similar tastes listen to on their computer and iPod. To see my statistics, go here.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

In the past few weeks I've received some interesting Spam messages. Apparently the geniuses who create spam to get through most filters use random word generation to come up with the first and last names on the return address. Here are a few that caught my eye:
  • Uninspiring J. Insemination
  • Molting F. Subaru
  • Sissy R. Burped
  • Gaped U. Woolies
  • Snuffles V. Anntennae
  • Gonorrhea T. Bacterium

Monday, May 09, 2005

Here's a story about the church we redid down in Cottonwood Falls, Kansas.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

One of my sons is going through a phase where he asks "What?" after everything any grown up says to him. The other day I confronted him about it.

I said, "You need to listen more closely when people say things to you. You always ask 'What?' and it is becoming very rude."

My son replied, "I'm three, I don't know what's going on."